Spring Festival Special: Qinzhen Rice Noodle

2023-01-17 16:00:00 , Source : Discover Shaanxi

Rice noodles as a local cuisine can be easily captured on the streets in Xi'an. It can be cooked fast yet with rich flavors. Office workers love to have it as a quick lunch, and folks like to add it as a side snack on top of the main course.

With the hot steam, the rice pulp gets solidified. Then the chef takes off the extremely thin "rice pancake" and cut it into strips. He grabs several pieces and dips them in the freshly red chili oil. Added with salt, vinegar, sprouts, and a little celery, your rice noodle is ready!

The birthplace of rice noodles is the thousand-year-old town Qindu, which is near Xi'an City. Qinzhen Rice Noodle is not only famous in Xi'an. Every morning, a large number of rice noodles will be delivered from Qinzhen to other cities in China by air. Even in such cold winter, people are still excited about Qinzhen Rice Noodles.

Qinzhen is located in the east of Huxian County, Xi'an City, where the Fenghe River flows, with great width and water volume. Qinzhen has been a ferry port since ancient times, with convenient water-land transportation, hence the prosperity of commerce. Nowadays, it is filled with a commercial vibe and strong living atmosphere, also bringing out a unique food culture. Thus, it has been passed on among people's business activities.

Every weekend, foodies drive all the way here, not for the scenic views but for a bite of the Qinzhen Rice Noodle. And a real friend will definitely take some to go for their buddies.

People are always longing for the most authentic flavor, which can only be captured at the birthplace of the food. And the locals are always happy to spread this authentic flavor all over the city, making it known and remembered.  
