Time-honored brand Xi’an food- Xue Changli Rice Noodles

2017-12-19 11:18:25 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province

It is said that Xue Shouxin, Xue Changli’s grandfather, cooked cold noodles with rice dough and invited his neighbors to have a taste at his hometown in the second year of Xuetong Emperor (1910). They all thought it was delicious and gave him high praise. Thus, Xue Shouxin carried a load of the food and peddled it in the street everyday. Then, this business flourished…

Xue Changli, Xue Shouxin’s grandson, started a restaurant where he sold cold rice noodles in Qin Town in 1999 and registered the brand “Old Xue Shop”.

Xue Changli Cold Noodle looks shiny and white. It tastes pliable with smooth mouth feel and smells spicy. It is representative of Shaanxi cold noodle dishes.

Address: #58 Nanguan Main Street, Xi’an.
