Time-honored Xi’an food – De Fa Chang Cuisine

2017-12-19 10:27:59 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province

De Fa Chang was founded in 1936, which is a time-honored brand with a long history, international catering shop, national super restaurant, and China AAAAA level green restaurant. In 2010, its dumpling making skill was first listed in Shaanxi Province non-material cultural heritage list, and with its 318 dumplings making tricks successfully challenged the world Guinness record, became an important window for the Chinese and foreign tourists to taste the flavor of Shaanxi and appreciate the history and culture of ancient Xi’an.

De Fa Chang is famous for the De Fa Chang dumpling feast. “One dumpling has 1 figure and 1 taste, and 100 dumplings have 100 different stuffings and tastes”, providing the guests a “fresh” dumpling feast all over the world. In the national cooking competition in 1989, De Fa Chang dumpling feast and three fresh delicacies dumplings won the national “Golden Tripod award”. The dumpling feast series in 1997 was identified as “Chinese famous snacks”.

Recommendation: Dumpling Feast, Sour Soup Dumplings

Address: De Fa Chang Dumplings House (near Shijijinhua), 3 West Street, Bell Drum Towers Square
