Hukou Waterfalls

2021-10-21 18:17:00 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province

Hukou Waterfalls are always compared to a glistening pearl in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, a mother river of the Chinese nation. It lies on the natural boundary of Yichuan County in Yan’an City, Shaanxi Province and Ji County in Linfen City, Shanxi Province. It is the only magnificent yellow waterfall in the world and the second biggest waterfall in China after Huangguoshu Waterfall.

When the mighty Yellow River flows through mountains and gorges to Hukou, the billowy water streams narrow suddenly, falling 30 meters (33 yards) into a deep riverbed like a herd of galloping horses, transforming the quiet river into a turbulent one. The thundering sound can be heard from quite a distance. The tremendous mass of water strikes the rocks, creating piles of foam and huge water poles. It is an amazing view with mist all around. The riverbed here is like an enormous teapot absorbing all the rushing water, so the waterfall is named Hukou Waterfalls (Kettle Spout Falls). No matter its rumbling sound, its grand vigor or its marvelous scenery can make you exclaim that nature is really incredible.

The power of the yellow water of the Waterfalls is tremendous when falling down to the pond, so it is hard for you to get close to the main waterfall. Looking from a distance, you still can enjoy the vast and gorgeous yellow ocean of mist-covered water. The big waves and foam, like angry beasts, are running and roaring. The beauty and vigor of the waterfalls are indeed beyond words. You cannot know unless you visit it in person.

There are many wonders at Hukou Waterfalls, such as smoke from the river, boats on land, rainbows in the sunshine, and so on. Here, the waterfalls to the deep pond from a relatively high place, stirring the mist which rises high into the air like surging heavy smoke coming out of the river. You can see various shapes of rainbows formed by the rising mist, refracted by the sunshine from different angles. Sometimes rainbows are arched, cutting into the river from the sky like a dragon playing with water; sometimes they are colored ribbons lying across the river; sometimes they become colorful masses that change second by second. The water in Hukou is very much torrential, so all the boats from the upper reaches must be pulled out of the river onto to the bank when they arrive. These boats will have to detour around this section, carried by a group of boatmen or shipped by truck before they can be put in the river again.

The view of Hukou Waterfalls changes according to the seasons. In spring the frozen ground thaws and the stalactites of snowfall into the pond like the mountains collapsing and the earth cracking up. In summer and autumn there is much rainfall. With the rains, the river rushes and the yellow waves seem to reach the sky. In winter the waterfalls give the visitors another new look. On the surface of the silvery ice waterfalls, cool water flows down. Little silver icicles hang on the cliffs around it. It presents you a distinctive natural landscape of the northern region of China.

The Hukou Waterfalls has for years attracted visitors from all over the world. You can have a better understanding of natural wonder if you come here in person. It will give you a warm welcome with its thrilling sound, rolling golden waves, changing scenery and majestic vigor.

This tourist site is divided into two sections, one in Yichuan County and the other in Ji County across the Yellow River. Visitors can view the waterfalls either in Yichuan or Ji County. The scenery in Yichuan side is better but they can have a close look from the Dragon Cave in Ji County side.


1. Basic info

Yichuan SectionJi County Section
Admission FeeCNY 100CNY 100
Battery Car: CNY 20
Dragon Cave: CNY 20
Note: Children below 3.9 ft (1.2 m) can enter for free.
Opening Hours08:00 - 18:0009:00 - 18:00
Best Time to VisitApril, May, September, and November

Address: Yichuan County, Yan’an City; Ji County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province

2. Transportation

To Yichuan Section:
1. Take bus no. 1, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 30, K7, K11, K12, or K22 to the South Bus Station opposite to the Railway Station in Yan'an City. Then take a regular bus to Hukou Waterfalls at the fare of about CNY 40. The bus to the Waterfalls departs at 7:30, 8:20, 09:00, and 15:30. The whole journey takes about three hours.
2. Take a bus to Hukou Waterfalls from Xi'an North Bus Station at 12:00. The ticket fare is CNY 106.5 and the journey takes about five hours.

To Ji County Section:
Take a tourist bus from the Drum Tower Square in Linfen at 08:00 or 14:00. Or you can take a bus at 06:30 from Linfen Long Distance Bus Station to Yan'an and get off at Hukou Waterfalls.

Note: The two sections are connected by the Yellow River Bridge downstream. If you want to visit both, you can enter from one to the other through the bridge, but please note that they sell tickets separately.
