Lu Yao

2022-05-25 16:04:00 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province

Lu Yao (1949-1992), the original name Wang Weiguo, the Han Nationality, was born on December 3, 1949. He was born in an impoverished farmer family in Qingjian County, Yulin City. He once studied in the Yanchuan county-operated middle school and in 1969 returned to his home village to work in farming. In this period of time, he mostly did temporary work and taught in a countryside elementary school for a year. In 1973, he entered the Chinese department of Yan’an University to study, during which he started literature creation. After university graduation, no matter what “the Shaanxi Literary arts” (now is “Yan River”) edits.

In 1980, the Astonishing Soul-stirring One was published, which won the first session of the national outstanding novelette prize. In 1982, the novelette Life was published, which described an educated youth’s life pursuit and winding experiences. It caused a big echo, winning the national second session of outstanding novelette prize. Later, the movie of the same name won the eighth session of the populace movie hundred-flowers award with "The Best Narrative Movie" prize. It caused a sensation throughout the land. In 1988, Lu Yao completed the 1,000,000-character work Ordinary World, which reflected the countryside social life. The entire book is composed of three volumes.

Representative works

Ordinary World

Ordinary World is a panoramic expression of contemporary Chinese urban and rural social life, in which the author presents the images of all walks of many ordinary people. The novel involves setbacks and pursuits, suffering and happiness, daily life and the huge social conflict, and the numerous and complicated intertwining. It profoundly shows the difficult and tortuous path of people in the era.


The story happened during the reform period in the Northern Shaanxi plateau, with urban and rural life in the background. High school graduate Gao returned to the land and left the land, which is the main framework of the story. There was an emotional imbroglio of contradictory story development between Gao Jialin, the rural girl Liu Qiaozhen, and the city girl Huang Yaping.

Though with the successful pursuit, his anxiety and contradiction with his psychological structure are closely linked. Lu Yao was known as the"indigenous" writer, and his culture influenced him. As a farmer's son, he was deeply in love with his hometown, inheriting and accepting the influence of the traditional culture. But he is also a “civilized” writer. He always looks to the world culture, loving A Dream of Red Mansions, the works of Lu Xun, Balzac, and Tolstoy. His creation is worth reading a hundred times.
