The 30th anniversary of the School of International Education was held at Northwest University

2023-03-17 14:17:52 , Source : Discover Shaanxi

Northwest University celebrated the 30th anniversary of the School of International Education and the 4th International Cultural Festival  

On March 15, Northwest University celebrated the 30th anniversary of the School of International Education and the 4th International Cultural Festival. Over the past 30 years, the School of International Education has made great progress in expanding its international student base and strengthening cultural transmission.

"International cooperation and exchange is one of the five functions of the university, and carrying out all-round high-level international cooperation and exchange is an inherent requirement for the university to adapt to the trend of globalization and achieve high-quality development." Guo Lihong, President of Northwest University, pointed out in his speech that as a comprehensive university with 121 years of history and cultural accumulation, Northwest University has always attached importance to foreign cooperation and exchanges.

The Hanfu performance delivered by both Chinese and international students

Cultural performance by international students

International students introducing the culture of their hometown

During the celebration event, the 4th International Cultural Festival of Northwest University was also opened, which included country exhibitions and cultural and artistic performances. International students from 22 different countries showcased the scenery, clothing, artworks, food, and music from all over the world, presenting the cultural characteristics and customs of different countries. On the stage, international students performed sitcoms, dances, song mixes and Hanfu performances. Xi'an Yisu Theatre also brought the wonderful Qin Opera.

During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Northwest University enrolled a total of 5,603 international students, an increase of nearly 50% over the "12th Five-Year Plan" period. Northwest University has carried out more than 240 cooperative projects with nearly 100 universities in more than 20 countries and regions. And the university has been approved with a number of international cooperation brands on a national level, such as the "Belt and Road" International Joint Laboratory and the International Science and Technology Cooperation Base. It also focuses on establishing the Middle East Research Institute, Kazakhstan Research Center, Syrian Research Center and other national and regional research centers, and was the first to hold the "Nobel Laureates Forum".
