Issoufou Yassine | The 5th SRIE in Eyes of the World Youth

2021-05-18 15:02:01 , Source : Discover Shaanxi

Issoufou Yassine, with the lovely Chinese name 伊守福, is a foreign student from Niger. He came to China three years ago, and is currently majored in Computer Science in Shaanxi University of Science and Technology. Issoufou loves the Chinese culture and Tai Chi, as well as the fascinating views and food in Shaanxi. He is also into the Chinese myths, and the Journey to the West is his favorite.

When asked about his biggest interest, Issoufou said that he is definitely a tech buff, and the tour at the 5th Silk Road Expo just blew his mind with various robots in display. Deep down in his heart, he always wants to apply the technology to make a difference. As Issoufou saw that the robots can actually teach the children to learn programming, he was largely impressed. After all, utilizing the technology to bring happiness to people around is always his dream.
