
2021-08-27 15:39:00 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province

Official website: http://en.yanan.gov.cn/

Yan'an lies in the hilly area of the Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi Province, with 2 administrative districts, 11 counties, 84 towns, and 12 villages, and a population of 2.282 million till end of 2020. Total area of land in Yan'an is 37,031km², average altitude about 1,200m, annual frost-free period about 170 days, yearly average temperature about 7.7-10.6℃ and annual rainfall about 500mm. A total production value of 160.15 billion yuan in 2020 was achieved. 

Yan'an Spirit

Yan'an is an important birthplace of Chinese nation and Chinese revolutionary sites. The ancestor of human beings, Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum lies on the top of Qiaoshan Mountain of Huangling County, which is the National Shrine by Chinese people at home and abroad to have grand ceremonies in honor of the Yellow Emperor. From 1935 to 1948, the Central Party Committee of the CPC and Chairman Mao Zedong stayed and worked here for 13 years, leading the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, laying the foundation for the new China, establishing the leading position of Mao Zedong Thought for CPC, developing the everlasting Yan'an Spirit.

Mineral Resources

Yan'an is rich in mineral resources. It has had a solid foundation for the development of energy and chemical industry. Positive reserves in Yan'an include coal 11.5 billion tons, petroleum 1.38 billion tons, natural gas 200-300 billion cubic meters, and red porcelain argil 50 million tons. Yan'an is the birthplace of the Chinese petroleum industry with hundred years of history of development of oil. The first oil well was drilled outside the gate of Yanchang County seat. Petroleum and coal industries have become the backbone of pillar industries in Yan'an.


With a good condition in the development of modern ecological agriculture, Yan'an is known for the apple production, Luochuan County in particular is known as the "Home of Apple in China". Due to deeper soil layer, adequate lighting, different temperature between night and day, the agricultural products such as apples, jujube, pears, lamb, small grains are all in good quality and have been seld to home and abroad. The three leading industries, namely the fruit, livestock and greenhouse, have become the main source of income of the farmers.


With unique cultural tourism resources, the development of tourism in Yan'an has a broad prospect. Yan'an is well-known in the world for its Yellow Emperor’s Mausoleum, the sacred place of Chinese revolutionary, Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River, and Charm of Loess Land. In addition, Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs, Northern Shaanxi Yangko, Ansai Waist Drum Dance, peasant paintings, paper cutting and other folk art also have been long known by the world. Yan'an is the national education base for Patriotism, Revolutionary Traditions and Yan'an Spirit with historical sites 8545, among which there are 445 revolutionary sites, and treasured cultural relics around 70,000. It is among the first Historical and Cultural City approved by the State Council of the Chinese Government and a Chinese Excellent Tourism City.


Since Reform and Opening up, especially the development of the western region, Yan'an people conscientiously implement the scientific concept of development and adhere to the construction of Yan'an with Yan'an Spirit. Thus, Yan'an’s economy and social development has entered the best and fastest times in history.

Yan'an achieved the GDP of 160.15 billion yuan in 2020, a decrease of 0.8%; the growth rate of fixed asset investment turned negative to positive, an increase of 3.8%; local fiscal revenue was 16.38 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1%, ranking the first in the province; the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents were 36,577 yuan and 12,845 yuan, an increase of 4.8% and 8.2% respectively. The financing of key projects was 20.16 billion yuan. 56.5 billion yuan was in place for investment promotion. In 2019, the total import and export volume of Yan'an City was 2.419 billion yuan, an increase of 7.1 times.


As of the end of 2019, there were 7 nature reserves above the provincial level in Yan'an City, including 2 national nature reserves. The newly added water and soil erosion control area was 590 square kilometers. The number of days with air quality of Grade II and above in the city was 323 days. Throughout the year, the integrated management of water resources, water pollution, water ecology, and water environment was fully implemented, and all six national examination sections with poor grade V water quality were eliminated.


In 2019, the excellent mileage of Yan'an trunk highways was 1323 kilometers, and the excellent road rate was 88.7%. In 2012, the bullet train from Yan'an Station to Xi'an North Station was launched, becoming the first bullet train in northern Shaanxi. Yan'an Nanniwan Airport was built in January 1936 by Zhang Xueliang, the former Northeast Army of the KMT and Yang Hucheng of the 17th Route Army. After the Xi'an Incident, it was taken over by the Red Army. Yan'an Nanniwan Airport is the second airport in Shaanxi Province that has established a station and opened civil flights after Xi'an.

People's living standard

People's living standards is continuously improved. Yan'an is the first to establish a high level of coverage and protection of urban and rural minimum living security system in the province, the first to realize the free and compulsory education within the full city, the first to launch a new rural cooperative medical system, urban residents in health insurance system, the rural pension insurance and endowment insurance landless farmers in a comprehensive manner within city. It has established the living allowances system for rural grassroots cadres, the old model workers, the old party members, and difficult living state enterprise workers and the assistant system for poor students and more serious patients. Education, health, culture and other social undertakings have been a comprehensive development. In 2020, per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents are 36,577 yuan and 12,845 yuan respectively.
