
Liushui Town

2024-04-16 11:19:00 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province

Liushui Town is located in the middle of Yinghu Scenic Area (AAAA), Hanbin District, Ankang, Shaanxi. It is one of ancient towns in Shaanxi. According to records, ancestors lived there as early as the Qin and Han Dynasties. It was awarded one of the most beautiful towns in China in the poll of “Ten Most Beautiful Towns in China” sponsored by people.com.cn.

In Liushui Town, tourists may visit scenic spots and historic sites, such as Patriarch Palace, a well-known attraction in Sichuan and Shaanxi.

Liushui Town can boost ancient dwelling in Southern Shaanxi - grey bricks, grey tiles, ancient doors and windows, horse-head walls, and slabstone streets.


1. Ankang (by bus) - Huoshiyan Passenger Terminal (by ship) - Liushui Town Terminal

2. Ankang Railway Station (Ankang-Dazhou Railway No. 6065) - Nanxigou Station - Nanxigou Passenger Terminal (by ship) - Liushui Town Terminal

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