
Aerial view of Hukou Waterfalls

2017-08-28 15:32:27 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province

The magnificent Hukou Waterfalls under the perspective of UAV on August 23

In early autumn after the rain and inside the Hukou Waterfalls Scenic Area located in Yichuan County of Shaanxi Province, the roaring Yellow River is like a majestic Chinese dragon lying on the vast land in northern China.

When the Yellow River approaches the Hukou Mountain, blocked by mountains on both sides, its width is abruptly narrowed down. The water's velocity increases, and then plunges over a narrow opening on a cliff, falling into a deep riverbed like all the rushing water being absorbed by an enormous teapot. During high flow period, the mighty Yellow River is most inspiring just as the lyrics in the Yellow River Chorus.

As the most magnificent yellow waterfalls in the world, Hukou Waterfalls enjoy prestige both at home and abroad.

The magnificent Hukou Waterfalls under the perspective of UAV on August 23

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