
The Best Sight-viewing Period of Hukou Waterfalls of Yellow River Comes

2017-04-19 09:48:31 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province

Every year, the period from later August to earlier October is the best sight-viewing time of Hukou Waterfalls of Yellow River. During this period, you can see magnificent waterfalls of about 300 meters high, yellow water from the yellow river, 1,000 m3/s water flow, giant rainbow crossing Shanxi and Shaanxi, and “Dragons in waves” in Shili Dragon Canal, etc.

Opening time: 08:00~18:00

Transportation: Yan’an – Hukou self-service travel: take special minibus from Yan’an to Hukou at Southern Bus Station, Baota District, Yan’an City

Official website of Hukou Waterfalls: http://www.hkpbw.cn/

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